
Next Classes Start March 2023
Attention all prospective apprentices: The time is now to register for Spring Session apprenticeships. The registration period for this session ends on March 3rd, 2023 at 11:59PM. Spring Session begins on March 26th, 2023. Email [email protected] for more information about enrollment. We are so excited to begin the new session! Register now for a better future by attending the Home Inspector Academy!
A Whole New Life
Our goal at Home Inspector Academy is to offer a one-of-a-kind experience where individuals of all backgrounds can come and learn about home inspections, as well as how to perform them. The majority of options available for people interested in beginning a career in home inspections is very limited and mostly consists of online learning and online courses. We are constantly  approached by new inspectors who have construction or home inspector online training. Understandably, they …